Blog comment 6

Hello there Tomas!

My name is Jesper and I’m the Lead Designer and Sound for Group Z. You clearly explain what has been done during the last playtest and showing a graph of what players thought of your game helps a lot. You explained problems you had with the finished game, such as the players didn’t really understand why they died. You write about the things that went well and the things that were bad which gives me a good understanding of how you created the game. My group had stand up meeting every day Monday to Friday and we had workshops where we would work on the game together as a group. It is interesting to see such a big difference in management between groups.

I would like to know what these creative differences were. Was it in the art? Was it in the design? I think its good to know where these differences were most prominent to get a good understanding of the problem.

Overall, great post mortem! Very interesting and very informative.

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